3 Introverted Ways Of Doing Market Research

What more could set the bedrock for a compelling copy than concise market research?

This can literally make or break the success of your product launch. You’ll be able to know your target market’s problems, pain points, their picture of a perfect day, and of course, what they love and hate about your competitors…

The very reason why you can easily come up with a strategy on how you can position your offer.

Before you dig into these three awesome methods, there is actually another way, “the easiest,” if you’d ask me. It is none other than outsourcing a researcher. This team of experts in the field will hand you a persuasive copy after doing intensive research about your market and your competitors.

On the other hand, if you want to know how market research works, I suggest you read until the end of this post.


Here Are 3 Methods Of Market Research That Can Be Done Even By The Most Introverted Person


  1. Magazine Covers

Yes, magazine covers are a gem. They contain headline ideas that are proven and tested to sell. What you want to do is search online for credible magazines which cover your niche and take a good look at how they target their audiences. This will bring you to a pattern of topics and pain points that these magazines are trying to solve for their audiences. 

For example, if your offer is a fitness supplement, all you need to do is search for magazines in this same niche and observe a pattern plus the words they use in the articles. You’ll probably find words like “burn fat” or “build muscle mass,” which means those are the results that your target audience is looking to achieve.

Observe the pattern and take note of it. You’ll be surprised by the results.


  1. Reddit

This is a network of communities wherein people hang out to post and comment to express their opinions, passion, and interests…a.k.a. another gold mine for us marketers.

All you have to do is to create a free account and get access to the minds of approximately 1.7 billion people around the globe. Brace yourself to see the juiciest rants and praises that you want to include in your research. You can also search for their verdict on your competitor.


  1. Forums

You can also get help from forums. Some forums are made for a specific niche. Examples are forums for moms or for stay-at-home dads, people who are interested in the keto diet, etc.

You can get more information from forums in case you’re not satisfied with the results that you get from Reddit.



After you apply these 3 methods of research, I’m pretty sure you’ll get what you want and need to produce a decent copy. The only remaining question is, “What are the things you need to find during market research?” 

Well, this is another rabbit hole to explore. It will take another long post to explain and elaborate on what every copywriter needs to come up with and say that they have done enough research.

In the meantime, if you don’t have the luxury of time to spend on market research and come up with a compelling, persuasive copy, Scope Design offers copywriting services from results-driving copywriters. All you need to do is click the link below and let us carry that burden for you.

I’ll be happy to read your comments below, and don’t forget to share this post.


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