Many companies use websites to maximize their customer reach and keep current customers. With this, business owners like you must know the basics of web design and development. Today, we’ll be discussing all you need to know about the two.
What is Web Design and Development?
Web design and development refers to everything needed to create a website. And so, you’ll need two essential skills: web design and web development.
Web design is a term used to describe the usability and the aesthetic components of the website. Generally, web designers use programs like Adobe Photoshop to create layouts and other visual elements of the website. Thus, web design essentially refers to the look and feel of a website.
Web development also determines how a website will function. Web developers use lots of programming languages. The most common include HTML, Javascript, and CSS, to bring a website to life.
Sadly, there isn’t any clear line between the two skills, so titles are often interchanged.
Elements of Web Design
As the internet evolves daily, web designers have to keep up with new solutions to solve the problems of online users. Thus, websites should be easy to access and use.
With this, websites need a set of elements to make them as easy to use and as aesthetic as possible. Here are some of the critical features that make a website functional and easy to use for users.
Graphics are a collective term used to describe photos, logos, and icons on a website. The rule of thumb is for graphics to compliment the website’s layout, content, and color palette.
Another essential element in web design is color. Aside from giving the website personality, colors also make a website stand out and urges the users to take action.
While color palettes can be related to the website’s content, they can also be influenced by the brand identity. Also, keep in mind that when it comes to colors, consistency is critical.
Navigation tools help users go around the website, and they’re most commonly structured as search bars and menus. Web designers use simple and effective navigation tools to help users find what they need. With this, it’s vital that a website’s navigation is easy to use and find.
As the saying goes, “first impressions last.” When it comes to websites, the user’s first impression depends on the website’s speed. Of course, if the website’s slow, users are less likely to linger around the website.
Front-end Development vs. Back-end Development
Web design and development make up a functioning website. It involves web design and front-end development. Still, there are things that users don’t see. Web dev knows this as back-end development.
Front-end Development
Most front-end development processes involve programming languages like HTML, Javascript, and CSS. These help the website’s design. Through front-end development, users can interact with text, buttons, and menus. Thus, front-end development makes a website design responsive and adaptive.
Back-end Development
In contrast to front-end development that users see and interact with, back-end development is hidden from the users’ eyes. This involves data entry, storage, and organization. For instance, a user fills out a form.
The data is then stored in a database, which lives in back-end processes. Ultimately, back-end development is the home of a website’s server.
Things to Consider When Getting a Website Designed
While design and function can’t be overlooked, other factors make a website even better. The accessible and easy to use are things even Google takes note of. If you’re planning to get one for your business, here are other factors you have to think about before getting a website.
1. Original Content
Aside from the website’s design, it’s also crucial that its content is original and high-quality. Also, content should not only be relevant to your brand but to your products as well. Not only does content impact your site’s ranking, but content also helps users find your website.
2. Call to Action
Calls to action help encourage your customers to reach your company. Even the simple “Contact us now!” can help increase your customer retention rates, as it promotes building a relationship with them. With this, remember to include a call to action in your website at least once on every page.
3. Compatibility
As the internet evolves, internet browsers adapt to changes online. Because of this, websites can have difficulties in keeping up with these changes. When looking for a website, make sure that users can access it through several browsers. This can not only help you gain customers but keep old ones as well.
Final Takeaways
Websites are a great way to increase brand visibility, improve brand identity, and reach target customers. With this, finding a web designer that suits all your needs is a must. Just don’t forget this information so you can find the perfect one for you!