Scope Magazine – Issue #45

Online Marketing,Scope Magazine

Thanks for checking out our 45th issue of Scope, your online marketing resource guide for small business. Each month we will be covering topics that resonate with local businesses just like yours.

Our goal is simple. We want to enable you to do big things online, and it all starts by breaking down the complexities of marketing your business online.

It doesn’t matter if you’re are just starting out, or an established business owner in your local community, you can always benefit from increasing your brand’s visibility online.

In this issue…

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GDPR: How It Affects Your Small Business (Yes… Even in the US)

What does a European Union law about privacy have to do with your small business? That might seem like a ridiculous question to ask, but it’s not. The General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR for short, went into effect on May 25, 2018. And you can’t afford to ignore the ramifications of GDPR for your business. Here’s what you need to know about GDPR.

How to Tell Your Marketing Isn’t Working (and How to Fix It)

When you are running a small business, your marketing can make all the difference between a successful year and one that falls short of your goals. One of the biggest mistakes that businesses make is failing to review their marketing strategy to see where exactly they are falling short. Here are 5 tell-tale signs that your current marketing needs improvement, as well as the best fixes for each scenario.

7 Things People Don’t Tell You About Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is a real challenge for local businesses – and can prove tricky even to people who spend a lot of time and energy managing their social media accounts. The reason? There are some popular misconceptions about social media marketing and some secrets that you simply won’t know about unless someone tells you or you experience it for yourself.

5 Irresistible Lead Magnet Ideas for Local Businesses

Everybody knows that if you place a magnet close enough to a metal object, the object will be drawn to the magnet without resistance. That’s basic science even though it might seem like magic. But what if you could adapt the principle of magnetism to your business? The truth is, you can. Here are 5 ideas for lead magnets that will help you attract new leads and customers.

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