Scope Magazine – Issue #42

Scope Magazine

Thanks for checking out our 42nd issue of Scope, your online marketing resource guide for small business. Each month we will be covering topics that resonate with local businesses just like yours.

Our goal is simple. We want to enable you to do big things online, and it all starts by breaking down the complexities of marketing your business online.

It doesn’t matter if you’re are just starting out, or an established business owner in your local community, you can always benefit from increasing your brand’s visibility online.

In this issue…

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7 Ways to Acquire New Customers

A stagnating business is more likely to fail than one that’s growing. That’s just common sense. Businesses that experience new growth – in the form of new customers – have an advantage over businesses that are barely managing to hold onto their existing customers. But attracting new customers is a must. And it can be expensive. Up to 10 times as costly as retaining an existing customer. But luckily for you not all customer-attraction methods are expensive. Here are seven low-cost ways to acquire new customers and grow your business.

Are You Ignoring 35% of All Web Users?

If you tend to keep up with SEO and search trends, then you know that almost everything focuses on Google. And why not? Google is by far the largest search engine, snagging about two-thirds of all searchers. But one-third of all searches aren’t using Google. And that’s good news for you, because you (the well informed business owner) can get a leg up on your competition with a little bit of legwork. Sounds pretty good, right? Let’s get into to it…

How to Generate Local Leads with YouTube Ads

Most small business don’t have a huge marketing budget. Sound familiar? We get it. Advertising is expensive. You want the money you spend to stretch as far as possible – and that means finding advertising opportunities that are going to get you the biggest possible bang for your buck. There’s no short-age of options. But YouTube Ads remain a very underutilized option for business owners. And when it comes to generating leads, these ads seem to be CRUSHING it for business owners in the know.

5 Things You Should Know About  Google in 2018

If people can’t find your website, they’re not going to buy from you. It’s internet marketing 101. You can’t expect people to purchase your prod-ucts or try your services if you’re invisible to them. Google is the world’s top search engine. Essentially that means that getting a high rank on Google can make or break your business. Here are the 5 things you need to know to improve your site’s rank and rise to the top of Google.

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